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 New by Stone Cold

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5 participants
Stone Cold Steve Austin

Stone Cold Steve Austin

Masculin Nombre de messages : 64
Age : 30
Catcheur(se) incarné(e) : SCSA
Prise de finition : Stunner
Date d'inscription : 30/11/2008

New by Stone Cold Empty
MessageSujet: New by Stone Cold   New by Stone Cold Icon_minitimeDim 30 Nov - 21:19

Quel McMahon doit diriger "RAW"?

Sur, un sondage demande aux fans qui, de Stephanie ou de Shane McMahon, devrait diriger "RAW".

Actuellement, Stephanie mène avec environ 54 %...

La date de retour de Mr. Kennedy comme lutteur

Dans une entrevue accordée pour Live Audio Wrestling Show, Mr. Kennedy parle du 28 février comme la date où, selon son médecin, il pourrait revenir comme lutteur. Mais le tout peut être devancé ou retardé.

Voici un résumé de cette entrevue, selon

-- Mr. Kennedy appeared on the Live Audio Wrestling show this past Sunday to comment on his recent injury, his suspension last year following a violation of WWE's Wellness Policy, as well as his starring role in the upcoming movie "Behind Enemy Lines 3."

Kennedy commented on his latest injury, which he suffered during a match with Shelton Benjamin this past August. "We were basically side to side and he hit his finisher and our bodies got kind of caught between each other and I couldn't move my arm," Kennedy said. "I hit the mat on my chest and my arm was stretched across my chest, so I hit elbow-first and it just popped my arm right out of its socket. That was the most painful thing I've ever gone through in my life."

Kennedy said his arm still needs time to heal, but he hopes to be back in the ring as soon as possible. "The date that Dr. Andrews gave the office for my return date, was February 28. I could come back sooner, or I could come back later," Kennedy said.

Kennedy once again commented on the whole Signature Pharmacy mess, which resulted in a suspension from WWE last year. "I just learned to basically shut my mouth about stuff. It seemed as though any time I would turn around and say something, well they would analyze that stuff and say 'he did this, this, this and this.' I'd be reading about it at home and be like 'no, that's not right,' Kennedy said. "When they asked me if I took steroids and I said no, I didn't at the time. The thing is, my doctor was getting the stuff from Signature Pharmacy. I never once went to an Internet website and ordered any of that stuff."

Kennedy also feels newcomers don't need to take steroids to get ahead in the wrestling business. "In this day and age, in the business, you don't need stuff like that," Kennedy said. "People think that by taking steroids, you instantly turn into the incredible hulk and you beat women and children and rage and throw stuff around and kill your family members."

Lastly, Kennedy said it's a lot easier being a heel as opposed to a babyface. "I find that it's easier to get somebody to boo you than it is to get somebody to cheer you," Kennedy said. "Some of my best stuff was actually down in OVW, under Paul Heyman's direction. I'd love to go back to being a heel. I would like to be a babyface some day."
Résultats - House show WWE, 29/11

Voici les résultats du house show de la division SmackDown! présenté hier soir depuis State College, PA

» The Great Khali (w/ Tiffany) bat MVP
» Nikki & Brie Bella battent Natalya & Maryse
» Tommy Dreamer bat Ricky Ortiz
»The Big Show bat Finlay (w/ Hornswoggle)
» The Colon battent The Miz et John Morrison
» Shelton Benjamin bat R-Truth
» Jeff Hardy bat Edge par DQ

Edge et Vladimir Kozlov attaquent Hardy après le match, mais Triple H vient le sauver ...

Triple H et Jeff Hardy battent Edge et Vladimir Kozlov

A noter que Jeff Hardy et Edge ont donc lutté deux fois durant ce show malgré que nous ne connaissons pas la durée du premier match.

Possible poster du Royal Rumble 2009

Cette nouvelle est à prendre avec des pincettes puisque ce poster a été trouvé sur "Wikipedia US", plus fiable que Wikipedia français certes mais la possibilité que se soit un fake reste très présente.

Bref, voici le poster en question :

source : Fn Lutte
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New by Stone Cold Empty
MessageSujet: Re: New by Stone Cold   New by Stone Cold Icon_minitimeDim 30 Nov - 21:54

Merci pour les infos
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» The Miz™ | B9G'

» The Miz™ | B9G'

Masculin Nombre de messages : 249
Age : 28
Catcheur(se) incarné(e) : The Miz
Prise de finition : Reality Check
Date d'inscription : 27/11/2008

New by Stone Cold Empty
MessageSujet: Re: New by Stone Cold   New by Stone Cold Icon_minitimeDim 30 Nov - 22:32

Morrison>>tDk a écrit:
Merci pour les infos
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• Flair | Alchemist2a

• Flair | Alchemist2a

Masculin Nombre de messages : 531
Age : 31
Catcheur(se) incarné(e) : Ric Flair
Prise de finition : Figure Four Leglock
Date d'inscription : 23/11/2008

New by Stone Cold Empty
MessageSujet: Re: New by Stone Cold   New by Stone Cold Icon_minitimeDim 30 Nov - 23:14

Merci pour les infos

Et l'affiche ils ont justes mis Cena entrain de faire un St-FU a Umaga et le fond c la Wallpapers du 2007 Wink

Dernière édition par • Hawkins | Alchemist2a le Dim 30 Nov - 23:43, édité 1 fois
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Velvet Sky |Bav'euz

Velvet Sky |Bav'euz

Féminin Nombre de messages : 891
Age : 31
Catcheur(se) incarné(e) : Velvet Sky
Prise de finition : Flying Neckbreaker
Date d'inscription : 23/11/2008

New by Stone Cold Empty
MessageSujet: Re: New by Stone Cold   New by Stone Cold Icon_minitimeDim 30 Nov - 23:32

Morrison>>tDk a écrit:
Merci pour les infos
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The Rock » Tι'Pяιиce

The Rock » Tι'Pяιиce

Masculin Nombre de messages : 690
Age : 30
Catcheur(se) incarné(e) : The Rock
Prise de finition : Rock Bottom & People's Elbow
Date d'inscription : 24/11/2008

New by Stone Cold Empty
MessageSujet: Re: New by Stone Cold   New by Stone Cold Icon_minitimeDim 30 Nov - 23:33

Morrison>>tDk a écrit:
Merci pour les infos
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New by Stone Cold Empty
MessageSujet: Re: New by Stone Cold   New by Stone Cold Icon_minitime

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New by Stone Cold
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